Sunday, February 27, 2011

Kayaking Little Raccoon Creek Ohio

Feb, 27 2011

Great Kayak trip with Gary down the little Raccoon. We put in at Buckeye Furnace and Kayaked to Keystone Furnace. The trip took about three hours with water running fast.


  1. The blog looks good i bookmarked it so ill be checking back in.I'll be doing alot of fishing and mushroom hunting this spring.I also have a website here
    Feel free to join its free!
    Brad Woods

  2. Thanks Brad, I'll check out your site and I'll join. We do have fun catching small mouth bass in streams. It's a great time, you get out there where most people don't fish.

  3. We have done this trip numerous times. Each time we have hot multiple log jams. All in all a beautiful trip
