Sunday, February 6, 2011

Symmes Creek Ohio

Febuary 05, 2011

Matt Radabaugh/Tad Conger

We started the day out putting in Symmes Creek OH at RT 141 in Cadmus and canoed to Arabia just below 141. Our get out point was at the new canoe launch in Arabia Ohio. The temperature was 38 degrees, very strong wind, and rain turning to sleet and snow on and off. We had to paddle all most the whole trip, which took us seven long hours to complete. If you plan a trip from this point at Cadmus you can talk to the local people to use their land to put in at the bridge. If you canoe all the way to Arabia, about 1/4 mile after you go under the bridge is a public canoe launch that the US forestry has built. Very nice place to get in or get out. We are planning another trip from Arabia to the Ohio river.


  1. Its a great time! How you been Brad? Thanks for being the first to post on my blog. I just started this a few days ago. My goal is to build this up and link to a web page for people to use. If you want to go sometime just let me know. You can email me at

  2. Nice looking blog, little bro! Two things: don't forget your title on your post and you got canoed spelled "coned" in the first sentence. Other than that have fun blogging and canoeing.

  3. The blog looks good i bookmarked it so ill be checking back in.I'll be doing alot of fishing and mushroom hunting this spring.I also have a website here
    Feel free to join its free!
    Brad Woods
